Key Health Assets

Physical Wellness
Take care of your body with habits like eating nutritious foods, staying physically
active, getting enough sleep, practicing healthy sexuality, and avoiding harmful substances.

Environmental Wellness
Take responsibility for your surroundings, promote sustainability, and advocate for
a safe and healthy environment for yourself and others.

Financial Wellness
Set realistic goals, manage your finances effectively, and plan for the future to
reduce financial stress.
Positive Emotions and Relationships

Emotional Wellness
Recognize and manage your emotions, understand and cope effectively with stress, and
maintain positive interactions with others.

Social Wellness
Develop and maintain healthy relationships, recognize and communicate your needs and
preferences clearly, and contribute to your community.

Mindful Steps for Mental Health
Mindful Steps is a system to help you grow and sustain your social and emotional health
and well-being. Choose from a range of mental health resources and services that best
meet your needs and goals.
Interests and Purpose

Intellectual Wellness
Be open to new ideas and experiences, engage in creative and mentally stimulating
activities, and expand your knowledge and skills.

Occupational Wellness
Find satisfaction and fulfillment through your work or academic pursuits, strive for
a healthy work-life balance, and pursue opportunities for growth and development.

Purposeful Wellness
Develop personal beliefs and values, find meaning and purpose in life, and nurture
a sense of inner peace.